Eco.Pós - Programa de Pós-Graduação da Escola de Comunicação da UFRJ - O Curso - Histórico
Antonio Fatorelli
Antonio Pacca Fatorelli is graduated in Sociology and Politics from the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro (1982), master"s degree (1994) and doctorate (1999) in Communication and Culture from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro. He has a postdoctoral degree from Princeton University (2006) and the Federal University of Ceará (2014). He has held several exhibitions of photography and digital imaging in which the experimental and conceptual dimensions predominate. He is a professor of the Department of Expressions and Languages of the School of Communication of UFRJ and of the Postgraduate Program in Communication and Culture of the same university. And researcher of image and new media. He is a researcher at the Núcleo N-Imagem and the Laboratory of Photography, Image and Thought at ECO/UFRJ. It has as its main research interests: image, photography and new media. He is author of Fotografia contemporânea: entre o cinema, o vídeo e as novas mídia (Senac, 2013), O que se vê, o que é visto: uma experiência transcinemas (Contracapa, 2010, com Katia Maciel), Fotografia e novas mídias (ContraCapa, 2008) and Fotografia e viagem - entre a natureza e o artifício (Relume Dumará, 2003). He is editor das of many: Limiares da Imagem: tecnologia e estética na cultura contemporânea (with Fernanda Bruno) and Fotografia contemporânea: desafios e tendência (with Victa de Carvalho e Leandro Pimentel). 
FATORELLI, Antonio Pacca. Instalaciones interactivas. Arkadin, v. V, p. 101-108, 2016.

FATORELLI, Antonio Pacca. Fotografía contemporánea: Entre el cine, el video y los nuevos medios. Arkadin, v. V, p. 94-100, 2016.

FATORELLI, Antonio Pacca. Do analógico ao digital: negociações e ultrapassagens. Ícone (Recife), v. 15, p. 13-28, 2014.

FATORELLI, Antonio Pacca. Modalidades de inscrição temporal nas imagens fotográficas. Ícone (Recife), v. 15, p. 16-26, 2013.

FATORELLI, Antonio Pacca. Mutações da imagem. Visualidades (UFG), v. 11, p. 83-98, 2013.

FATORELLI, Antonio Pacca. Imagem e afecção. Galáxia (São Paulo. Online), v. 12, p. 48-58, 2012.

FATORELLI, Antonio Pacca. Fotografia contemporânea: corpo, percepção e imagem. Contemporanea (UFBA. Online), v.8, p. 01-21, 2010.

FATORELLI, Antonio Pacca. O virtual fotográfico: técnica, corpo e imagem na contemporaneidade. Lumina (Juiz de Fora), v. 3, p. 1-10, 2009.

FATORELLI, Antonio Pacca. A atualidade de Flusser. Eco-Pós (UFRJ), Rio de Janeio, v. 7, n.N.2, p. 135-142, 2004.

FATORELLI, Antonio Pacca. José Oiticica Filho e o avatar da fotografia brasileira. Lugar Comum (UFRJ), Rio de Janeiro, v. 11, p. 141-158, 2000.
Convergences between photography, film and video in contemporary Brazilian art

The aesthetic mutations processed in the context of contemporary culture put into perspective the definitions traditionally associated with the photographic, videographic and cinematographic media, while establishing favorable conditions for the emergence of critical thinking. In this moment of transition, comparable in extent and depth to that which followed the emergence of photography and cinema in the nineteenth century, the challenges for the image maker and the critic of visual culture are renewed. The recent mutations of photography and cinema address the crucial issues that stand out in today"s imagery culture. After identifying the broader theoretical and methodological problems related to this condition of the contemporary image, extensively worked on the research project Passes of Images: between photography, cinema, video and New Media, this project has the purpose, more punctual , To identify the lines of forces acting at this moment in the specific case of contemporary Brazilian production, of an experimental and multimedia nature. We find in Brazil, in a singular way, and remarkably different from that observed in other Latin American countries, an expressive set of works produced in the intersection between photography, cinema, video and digital media. After all, how to contextualize historically and theoretically, from a transdisciplinary perspective, these works signed by renowned Brazilian artists. The critical appreciation of this set of intermedia works carried out in Brazil over the last three decades calls for the mobilization of a multimedia approach, appropriate to the identification of the dynamics established by the transversal relations between different technical and cognitive domains. This course considers, in a first approximation, the history of the plastic arts, photography and cinema, especially from the 1950s, a conjuncture in which we follow, in an inaugural way, the emergence of relatively unified manifestations, in agreement with the concretist grids And neoconcretist. However, the perception of the significant developments observed at this juncture in the domains of visual and audiovisual languages ??unique to each medium should be followed by the assumption of a transdisciplinary approach, properly related to contemporary hybrid formations. This theoretical-methodological course should incorporate the contributions of video art initiatives in Brazil, notably from the 1970s, in order to subsidize the design of a genealogy of contemporary multimedia works. It is worth mentioning that this research project is developed in the Laboratory of Photography, Image and Thinking associated with PPGCOM / UFRJ and is linked to the line of research Technologies of Communication and Aesthetics.


Eco.Pós - Programa de Pós-Graduação da Escola de Comunicação da UFRJ - O Curso - Histórico
v.20, n.2 (2017)
Imagens do Presente
Monday to Friday, from 11:00 to 15:00.
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