Raquel Paiva holds a degree in journalism from the Communication Faculty of the Federal University of Juiz de Fora (1981), specialization in Post-Graduate Workshop by the International Center for Advanced Studies in Communication for Latin America (1985), Latin America Electronic Media University (1985); Master"s degree in Communication from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (1991); PhD in Communication from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (1997) and postdoctoral degree from the Università degli Studi di Torino (Italy). She is currently Full Professor of the School of Communication of the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro. He has experience in Communication, with emphasis on Critical Theory of Communication, working on topics related to community communication, critical reading of the media, education, citizenship, politics and representation of minorities, city and urban mobility. She was a winner of the Luiz Beltrão Prize in the emerging leadership category in 2005, coordinator of PPGCOM at UFRJ between 2001 and 2003, a member of Compós"s board of directors (2001-2003) and Intercom"s board of directors (2005-2008). She is a researcher 1A of CNPq and coordinates the Laboratory of Studies in Community Communication. He chairs the National Institute of Studies in Community Communication, INPECC. She is the author and editor of more than 20 books, among them: Política: palavra feminina (MauadX, 2008), O retorno da comunidade: novos caminhos do social (MauadX, 2007), Cidade dos Artistas(MauadX, 2004) e O espírito comum: comunidade, mídia e globalismo (MauadX, 1998). |
PAIVA, Raquel; CURI, Guilherme. A cidade que não cala: o samba da Pedra do Sal e as formas de comunicação contemporâneas na região portuária do Rio Janeiro. Comunicação & Inovação (Online), v. 17, p. 1-14, 2016.
PAIVA, Raquel; SALDANHA, Patricia Gonçalves; LACERDA, Juciano. INPECC retoma conceito de comunidade gerativa e inicia estudo sobre a área. Revista Mídia e Cotidiano, v. 10, p. 119-137-137, 2016.
PAIVA, Raquel. Política de minorias: comunidade e cidadania. Revista Internacional de Comunicación y Desarrollo,, v. 1, p. 175-180, 2015.
PAIVA, Raquel; MALERBA, Joao Paulo; CUSTODIO, Leonardo. Comunidade gerativa e Comunidade de afeto: propostas conceituais para estudos comparativos de comunicação comunitária. Animus (Santa Maria. Online), v. 12, p. 244, 2013.
GABBAY, Marcelo; PAIVA, Raquel. Comunicação, crítica e cidadania: releitura teórica e perspectivas práticas. Revista debates (UFRGS), v. 4, p. 78-98, 2010.
SODRÉ, Muniz; PAIVA, Raquel. A tecnologia, a informação e o comum. Alceu (PUCRJ), v. 1, p. 16-24, 2010.
SODRÉ, Muniz; PAIVA, Raquel. Telenovela: uma semiose híbrida. Galáxia (PUCSP), v. 15, p. 29-38, 2008.
PAIVA, Raquel; SODRÉ, Muniz; NÓRA, Gabriela; SOUZA, Jean. A representação do feminino nas eleições de 2006. Lumina, v. 1, p. 2, 2008. |
The urban action of the common: media, city and community
Description The twenty-first century advances consolidating crises that began in the last century. The deepest of all, and that impresses on all citizens the limit of coexistence, is the decadence of the great cities. In peripheral countries and the southern hemisphere, cities are characterized by segregated places, non-common spaces, and a growing population contingent, surviving practically from the remnants of attention and public policies, material and immaterial goods provided by the minority. Brazil is one of the most significant examples. Faced with the information flow and the presence of technology, especially from the widespread and massive use of cell phones, cities are also the definitive subject of communication. It is intended to research, therefore, the flows and uses of urban equipment, poverty, the periphery, the financial center, consumption centers or access to services. The concern is centered on the urban aspect, that is, on the existing social fabric, the interaction webs that we are producing and finally on the cognitive formation coming from the megalopolis of Rio de Janeiro. |