Paulo Vaz holds a master"s degree in Philosophy from PUC-Rio and a doctorate in Communication and Culture from UFRJ, with a postdoctoral degree from the University of Illinois - Chicago. He is an associate professor at the School of Communication and Postgraduate Program in Communication and Culture at UFRJ. Researcher 1B of CNPq, his most recent research approaches the discourse of risk in the media, the journalistic coverage of disease and crime, the production of subjectivities, the configuration of the virtual victim, the narratives of suffering and the processes of identification. He is a researcher at IDEA - Advanced Study Program at ECO/UFRJ. He was an area representative at CNPq and ad hoc consultant at CNPq, Faperj and Capes.
LERNER, Kátia; VAZ, Paulo. "Minha história de superação": sofrimento, testemunho e práticas terapêuticas em narrativas de câncer. Interface (Botucatu. Online), v. 21, p. 153-163, 2017.
VAZ, Paulo; PEREIRA, Pedro Barreto. O sentido das UPPs: a cobertura de O Globo e as políticas de segurança pública. E-Compós (Brasília), v. 19, p. 1-16, 2016. VAZ, Paulo. Do normal ao consumidor: conceito de doença e medicamento na contemporaneidade. Ágora ( PPGTP/UFRJ), v. 18, p. 51-68, 2015. VAZ, Paulo. Na distância do preconceituoso: narrativas de bullying por celebridades e a subjetividade contemporânea. Galáxia (São Paulo. Online), v. 14, p. 32-44, 2014. CARDOSO, Janine Miranda; VAZ, Paulo. O drama epidêmico da dengue: causas, sofrimento e responsabilidades no Jornal Nacional (1986-2008). Revista Eco-Pós (Online), v. 17, p. 1-13, 2014. VAZ, Paulo; SANTOS, Amanda; ANDRADE, Paulo Henrique. Testemunho e subjetividade contemporânea: narrativas de vítimas de estupro e a construção social da inocência. Lumina (UFJF. Online), v. 8, p. 1-33, 2014. ARANTES, Esther; VAZ, Paulo. O Homem que se chamava Napoleão: uma história política da loucura. Psicologia Clínica (PUCRJ. Impresso), v. 25, p. 245-251, 2013. VAZ, Paulo. Doença mental e consumo nas revistas semanais brasileiras. E-Compós (Brasília), v. 15, p. 17-33, 2012. VAZ, Paulo; PORTUGAL, Daniel. A nova "boa-nova": marketing de medicamentos e jornalismo científico nas páginas da revista semanal Veja. Comunicação, Mídia e Consumo (São Paulo. Impresso), v. 9, p. 37-60, 2012.
Narratives of suffering and identification processes: risk, compassion and witness
Description This project maintains clear conceptual and thematic continuity with the three previous ones financed by CNPq: The Discourse of Risk in the Media (2004 to 2007), Media, Risk and Suffering (2007 to 2010) and Risk, Bearer and Virtual Victim (2010 to 2016). Its major justification, therefore, lies not so much in the presentation of new objects of investigation, but in the temporal consistency and the possible quality of the questions developed. In any case, the permanence of two axes of reflection is at the origin of continuity: the history of the ways of inhabiting time and the history of compassion. The purpose of this project is to explore whether (and how) the concepts of risk and trauma promote a new way of inhabiting the time that singles out contemporary Western cultures. Thus, through the analysis of the current ways of provoking compassion and the study of the links between risk, suffering and behavior expressed in news about diseases, we seek to study the way in which the media participates in the formation of contemporary subjectivity by constructing identification procedures Between the audience and the suffering narrated. It is also sought throughout this investigation: a) to analyze whether the testimony of victims of prejudice is replacing confession as a therapeutic hegemonic practice that marks the transition from modern to contemporary subjectivity; b) to carry out the genealogy of the testimony of victim considering the Protestant narratives of conversion and the concepts of self-esteem and self-help; c) analyze testimonies of victims of prejudice on the Internet, in view of their dynamics of imitation that articulate suffering and identity, at the same time as communities of ephemeral sufferers; d) rethinking the news frames on the UPPs and how they can affect public security policies; e) to evaluate the mediatic discourse on cancers and their possible repercussion in the autobiographical testimony of patients; f) and, finally, to analyze the variations in the rhetorical strategies of the pharmaceutical industry according to its main target audiences, namely patients, doctors and state regulatory agencies. This study has as basic methodology the discourse analysis. Three generic principles guide the procedures developed in this research: a) first is the relationship between media and the production of subjectivity, which is decisive in that we are proposing that a relationship between narratives of suffering and processes of identification (this principle, The relation between discourse, addressing and the constitution of subjectivity); b) already the second principle is a consequence and refers to the nexus between classification schemes of men in force at a given time and the attitudes of the classified; c) the third generic principle of discourse analysis, associated with the other two, is the discursive rarity proposed by Foucault (in the face of a given mediatic representation of health or crime, the pertinent distance assumed by the analysis is not relative to the real, But in relation to other possible representations). It is also worth mentioning that this research is being developed in the research group IDEA-PPGCOM/UFRJ and is linked to the line of research Media and Sociocultural Mediations. |