He holds a bachelor"s degree in History from the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro (1989), a Master"s degree in Communication from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (1993) and a PhD in Communication from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (1998). He also completed three post-doctoral stages: one in Communication at the Complutense University of Madrid (in 2006), another in Social Sciences at the Pontifical Catholic University of São Paulo (in 2014) and another in Social Sciences by CLACSO (in 2015). He is currently 1D researcher at CNPq; Associate Professor IV of the research line Media and Sociocultural Mediation of the Postgraduate Program in Communication of UFRJ (evaluated with concept 6 by CAPES); Coordinator of the Center for Studies and Projects in Communication linked to PPGCOM of UFRJ (leader of this research group, founded in 1992); Coordinator of COMPOS Sound and Music Studies WG; Coordinator of the ECO/UFRJ Graduate Program; And has been developing the research entitled "Musical Cities of the State of Rio de Janeiro" (with the support of CNPq). He has been working in recent years with the following topics: communication, urban culture, creative cities, sound and music studies, youth, spatiality and public policies. He is the author of several essays, collections and books (individually and in partnership), among the most recent are the following publications: Música nas ruas do Rio de Janeiro (Ed. INTERCOM, 2014); Entretenimento, Felicidade e Memória (Anadarco Ed., 2012); Comunicações e Territorialidades - Rio de Janeiro em cena (Anadarco Ed., 2012); Nas bordas e fora do mainstream musical (Ed. Estação das Letras e das Cores, 2011); Indústria da Música em Transição (Ed. Estação das Letras e das Cores, 2010); Comunicação e História - interfaces e novas abordagens (Ed. Mauad X, 2008); Lapa, cidade da música (Ed. Mauad X, 2007); Novos Rumos da Cultura da Mídia (Ed. Mauad X, 2007); Comunicação, Cultura e Consumo (Ed. E-Papers, 2005), Mídia, Memória & Celebridades (Ed. E-Papers, 2003), O funk e o hip-hop invadem a cena (Ed. UFRJ, 2000) and Linguagens da Violência (Ed. Rocco, 2000). |
HERSCHMANN, M.; FERNANDES, C.S. Relevância da cultura de rua no Rio de Janeiro em um contexto de valorização dos megaeventos. Interin (UTP), v. 21, p. 3-21, 2016.
HERSCHMANN, M.; CABANZO, Maria Pilar. Contribuições do grupo musical Songoro Cosongo para o crescimento do carnaval de rua e das fanfarras cariocas no início do século XXI. Lumina (Juiz de Fora), v. 10, p. 1-16, 2016.
HERSCHMANN, M.; FERNANDES, C.S. Comunicação, Música e Territorialidades: repensando a relevância das Cidades Musicais do Rio de Janeiro. Logos (Rio de Janeiro. Online), v. 23, p. 6-19, 2016.
FERNANDES, C.S.; TROTTA, F. ; HERSCHMANN, M. Não pode tocar aqui!? Territorialidades sônico-musicais cariocas produzindo tensões e aproximações envolvendo diferentes segmentos sociais. E-Compós (Brasília), v. 1, p. 1-15, 2015.
HERSCHMANN, M.; FERNANDES, C.S. Usos da cartografia nos estudos de comunicação e música. Revista Fronteiras (Online), v. 17, p. 290-301, 2015.
HERSCHMANN, M. Construindo uma cena musical independente em Niterói no início do século XXI: o estudo de caso dos coletivos Araribóia Rock e Ponte Plural. E-Compós (Brasília), v. 17, p. 1-20, 2014.
HERSCHMANN, M. Ambulantes e prontos para a rua: algumas considerações sobre o crescimento das (neo) fanfarras no Rio de Janeiro. Logos (Rio de Janeiro. Online), v. 2, p. 1-19, 2014.
HERSCHMANN, M.; FERNANDES, C.S. La interculturalidad en los estudios culturales latinoamericanos. Telos (Madrid), v. 94, p. 1-10, 2013.
HERSCHMANN, M.. Carência de dados e desafios metodológicos para o desenvolvimento dos estudos da indústria da música. Revista FAMECOS (Online), v. 20, p. 131-146, 2013.
HERSCHMANN, M.; PERGORARO, E.; FERNANDES, C.S. Steampunk e retrofuturismo: reflexos de inquietações sociotemporais contemporâneas. Comunicacao, Midia e Consumo, v. 10, p. 209-228, 2013. |
Musical Cities of the State of Rio de Janeiro: rethinking the socio-communicational dynamics and the challenges faced in Rio das Ostras, Conservatória and in the City of Rio
Description In general, in this research, from the case studies of the cities of Rio das Ostras, Conservatória and Rio de Janeiro, the aim is to evaluate the importance of musical activities performed live and in public and private spaces by artists, collectives and / Or social networks - in the form of concerts, blocks, wheels or jam sessions - to re-signify these cities in the State of Rio de Janeiro, that is, to analyze their capacity to convert these territories into more democratic spaces (with better Inclusion and social participation) and with more intercultural dynamics. It is based on the assumption that there is a "musical culture" in these localities, practiced by several actors (the great majority of them engaged), that it is capable of creating conditions not only for the expansion of sociability, but also for the innovative re-signification of the spaces of these cities. Of course, these cities also have a consistent number of musical activities that are programmed to be performed in private spaces and these have an important function in the construction of an urban imaginary and "territorialities" and sociabilities that gravitate around music. The central hypothesis of this project is that there would be "musical cities" for Brazil and for the world (evidently, with their respective relevant singularities), such as the three cities that will be researched under this project. A little different from the notion of musical cities (as a "creative city" modality), as formulated by UNESCO, this concept is used to designate localities that possess significant "sonic-musical territorialities" that, through the action of time, In the imaginary and urban everyday. That is, these "territorialities" - by the recurrence of their presence, intensity of affections, enormous mobilization, plurality and by their multiplication in several areas - end up producing significant effects in parts of the city or in the city as a whole. The aim of this research is also to support the reconstruction of a more democratic public policy agenda (with a focus on the cultural area), thus contributing, among other things, to the promotion of regional cultural diversity and to Local Development in Rio de Janeiro ( More sustainable and balanced). It starts from the premise that the field of communication has an important contribution to give at this moment, that is, it can subsidize with its reflections the construction of strategies that help the local actors to re-signify the State of Rio de Janeiro. This research has been carried out in the Center for Studies and Projects in Communication (NEPCOM) and is linked to the line of research entitled Media and Sociocultural Mediation, of the Post-Graduation Program in Communication of ECO/UFRJ. |