Eco.Pós - Programa de Pós-Graduação da Escola de Comunicação da UFRJ - O Curso - Histórico
Ivana Bentes
Researcher in the area of Communication and Culture with emphasis on issues related to the role of communication, audiovisual production and new technologies in contemporary culture, Ivana Bentes has a master"s and doctorate in Communication from the School of Communication of UFRJ, where she is a graduate and post- Degree in Communication and Culture. She was Director of the School of Communication of UFRJ from 2006 to 2013. She was Secretary of Citizenship and Cultural Diversity of the Ministry of Culture of Brazil from January 2015 to May 2016. She is the author of the books Mídia-Multidão: estéticas da comunicação e biopolíticas (Mauad X, 2015), Avatar: O Futuro do Cinema e a Ecologia das Imagens Digitais, com Erik Felinto (Sulina, 2010), Glauber Rocha: cartas ao mundo (Companhia das Letras, 1997) e  Joaquim Pedro de Andrade: a revolução intimista (Relume-Dumará, 1996). Her main themes of interest and research are: aesthetics, cinema, audiovisual, new media, media, activism, politics, contemporary thinking, social imagery, digital culture, networks and communication technologies. She is a 1D researcher at CNPq.
BENTES, Ivana. House MD: o monitoramento da vida, do crime e da doença na era da sua visualidade técnica. Matrizes (USP. Impresso), v. 3, p. 103-114, 2010.

BENTES, Ivana. As novas formas de lutas pós-midias digitais. Lugar Comum (UFRJ), v. 28, p. 33-38, 2009.

BENTES, Ivana. Midialivristas, Uni-vos!. Lugar Comum (UFRJ), v. 25-26, p. 137-141, 2008.

BENTES, Ivana. Sertões e favelas no cinema brasileiro contemporâneo: estética e cosmética da fome. ALCEU, v.8 - n.15 - p. 242-255 - jul./dez. 2007.

BENTES, Ivana. O Copyright da miséria e os discursos da exclusão. Lugar Comum (UFRJ), Rio de Janeiro, p. 85-95, 2002.

BENTES, Ivana. Guerrilha de Sofá ou A Imagem é o Novo Capital. Biblioteca On Line de Ciência da Comunicação, Covilhã Portugal, p. 0-5, 2002.

BENTES, Ivana. Do modelo industrial ao biotecnológico. Biblioteca On Line de Ciência da Comunicação BOCC, Covilhã, p. 0-16, 2001.
Aesthetics of communication: new theoretical models and visualization regimes

This study aims to investigate themes and concepts that bring new contributions to the theory of Communication, theory of audiovisual and new media. Having as its object contemporary works, products and processes that point to the emergence of the Aesthetics of Communication. The notions of device, social networks, space-sensitive, tactile image, will be investigated as experimental concepts and new instrumental capable of bringing new contributions about media studies, taking as hypothesis the idea of ??co-evolution between images, devices And the production of subjectivity. As an unfolding of the research agenda we will investigate the Visualization Regimes and case analyzes in the field of audiovisual production and network theory. This research is being developed in the research group CIEC-PPGCOM / UFRJ and is linked to the line of research Technology of Communication and Aesthetics.


Eco.Pós - Programa de Pós-Graduação da Escola de Comunicação da UFRJ - O Curso - Histórico
v.20, n.2 (2017)
Imagens do Presente
Monday to Friday, from 11:00 to 15:00.
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Av. Pasteur nº 250 - fds, Urca, Rio de Janeiro.
CEP: 22290-240
TEL.: +55 (21) 3938-5075
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